Introduction: If you observe people's sexual behavior and look at this tone scale, it becomes clear that promiscuity, perversion, sadism and deviant practices are at the bottom of the scale.
The Second Dynamic, especially sex, is a recurring topic of discussion in our society.
Unfortunately, certain groups have received state support for sexual aberrations in recent decades. Strictly speaking, neither the state nor the church has any business in matters of sex and the Second Dynamic.
I have nothing more to say on this.
Much love,
Max Hauri
Sexual Behavior
In this current culture, sexual aberration is very high. Anything which is hidden and highly regulated in a culture will become aberrated. There is considerable confusion in the American and European cultures about sex; since there was so much perversion and promiscuity and maltreatment of children that the erroneous conclusion was reached that the remedy for this lay in further regulation; whereas, in reality, it was the regulation which caused the derangement of the dynamic.
It will be noted, in observing the behavior of human beings, and on this chart of the tone scale, that promiscuity, perversion, sadism, and irregular practices fall far down the line. Free Love falls, also, in this very low band; since man is relatively monogamous and since it is non-survival not to have a well ordered system for the creation and upbringing of children, by families. A society which falls into this 1.1 band of the tone scale can be expected to abuse sex, to be promiscuous, to misuse and maltreat children, and to act, in short, much in the way current cultures are acting. It is of vital importance, if one wishes to stop immorality, and the abuse of children, to de-aberrate this dynamic for the whole group of the society, to say nothing of individuals.
At the highest MEST point of the tone scale, 4.0, one finds monogamy, constancy, a high enjoyment level, and very moral reactions toward sex; but one also finds the sexual urge acting to create more than children, and so comes about a sublimation of sex into creative thought.
At 3.5 on the tone scale, we have a high interest in the opposite sex, and constancy, but we do not have so great a sublimation.
At 3.0 on the tone scale, we have some falling off in sexual interest, but we have an interest in procreation and children.
At 2.5, we have some disinterest in procreation, not for any reason beyond a general failure to be interested in much of anything. The sexual act can be adequately performed, given the physical ability.
At the band of 2.0, we begin to get a disgust for sex, a revulsion toward sex, mostly when irregularly practiced.
At the 1.5 band of the tone scale, we find sex appearing as rape; we find the sexual act being performed as a punishment.
At 1.1 on the tone scale we enter the area of the most vicious reversal of the second dynamic. Here we have promiscuity, perversion, sadism, and irregular practices. We have no enjoyment of the sex act, but a hectic anxiety about it. The sex act cannot truly be enjoyed whether performed regularly or irregularly. Here is Free Love, easy marriage and quick divorce, and general sexual disaster. People at this level on the second dynamic are intensely dangerous in the society, since aberration is contagious. A society which reaches this level is on its way out of history, as went the Greeks, as went the Romans, as goes modern European and American culture. Here is a flaming danger signal which must be heeded if a race is to go forward.
At 0.5, we have impotency and anxiety about sex, with only occasional efforts to procreate. On the second dynamic we get occasional resurgences, from 0.5 up the scale, which quickly relapse.
It is interesting to note here the application of the principle of the dwindling spiral to the second dynamic. On any of the dynamics and on any column of this chart, when the individual sinks below the 2.0 level, the dwindling spiral rapidly carries him down through 1.5, 1.1, 0.5, to death. This is particularly evident on the second dynamic. The 1.1 individual, engaged in frantic pseudo-sexual activity today, will in a very near tomorrow, much nearer than he suspects, find himself or herself at the 0.5 level of impotency and anxiety.
The organs of sex, at the 0.5 level, become relatively useless; indeed, this second dynamic tone scale is closely applicable to the endocrine activity of the individual and the form and condition of the physical body. The woman who in her teens was at the 1.1 level of the scale will not have a well enough developed pelvic structure or endocrine system to permit her bearing children with ease. Difficult births are a normal result of too long a residence in a low band of the tone scale during the formative period of the body. Easy births can only be expected with women who are relatively high on the tone scale.
It is noteworthy that the 1.1 to 0.5 area of the tone scale finds the muscles, particularly the sexual muscles, without tonus.
The nymphomaniac and the satyr are extremely slack-muscled, and the tonus around 0.5 is almost non-existent.
In the pretended death band there is, of course, no effort to procreate.
Along the -1 band [-1 is just below death, below 0 on the Scale], where the organism as an organism is dead but the cells still survive, it is interesting that ejaculation and sexual activity occasionally take place immediately after the death of the individual, which gives some index of the strength and force of this dynamic.
Life is denned, in cytology, as an unending stream of protoplasm from the beginning of life itself until now. Down through the ages as a continuous genetic stream, this protoplasm is modified by natural selection and environmental conditioning, as well as by what seems to be outright planning, from generation to generation. Because life is so dependent upon this lifeline, it is very easy to place too great an emphasis upon the sexual act, the thing which keeps this lifeline in a continuous stream.
L. Ron Hubbard