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Splash of abstract ideas

Introduction: I dare to say that going to school and learning things hardly improves intelligence. Surely, one can talk cleverly or simply join in the conversation. But unfortunately, I've seen too many educated people talking garbage and doing stupid things…

Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below.

Here what Ron says:

The practice of Scientology is today a very routine action. It consists of drills which:

1. Better one's ability to communicate,

2. Gives one the intelligence to handle his problems,

3. Makes one able to be a social being without committing antisocial acts,

4. Brings one to abandon explanations of his failures and to get on with being successful,

5. Handles all one's reactiveness and.

6. Clears one.

These drills are quite unfrightening. If psychology had them it would use them and be a great success.

L. Ron Hubbard


Dear friends,

I dare to say that going to school and learning things hardly improves intelligence. Surely, one can talk cleverly or simply join in the conversation. But unfortunately, I've seen too many educated people talking garbage and doing stupid things that I can easily defend my claim. I also dare to say that TRs, that is our communication exercises, and auditing, and here I include the so-called Objective Process or CCHs, increase intelligence. [CCHs: Communication, Control, Havingness. Objective Processes that use Communication, Control, and Havingness to enhance just that and make someone more capable, more active, and more high-toned]. Ron says "reality is proportional to the charge removed." This is a very important statement and a basis on which to build. Let me give an example of how charge prevents one from seeing reality: A child can be so panicked by a horsefly that he jumps to his death. Or have you ever tried to explain something to someone sitting in a grief charge? Audit the secondary first and then you can talk to him. Intelligence is improved by taking away charge, not by filling someone with data. A thetan cannot think with this data until he has been cleared of the garbage, i.e., misemotions, upsets, misdeeds, problems, pain, unconsciousness, fixed ideas, etc.

Much love,

Max Hauri


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