Introduction: Calling all Auditors! We have the tools – Ron has seen to that. We have the Auditors – We have the preclears. So what is preventing us from producing Clears faster than we are doing? Hark ye well – Nothing can stand up to present day procedure. It's simple. Just read – discuss – understand and use the tools he has given you. Use them.
Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below
Calling all Auditors
A worldwide survey of Auditing Results is now in progress to enable us to isolate the factors which are preventing optimum gains.
We have the tools – Ron has seen to that. We have the Auditors – We have the preclears. So what is preventing us from producing Clears faster than we are doing?
Presession procedure – OT 3a – Model Sessioning, it's all there. We know what makes homo sapiens tick – we know how and why he slows himself up and reduces his abilities, and we know what to do and how to do it.
So what is it?
Two points stand out already. -
a. Auditors are not getting their pc's into session.
b. And once in – auditors are not flattening processes.
A great many pcs "know" there is no such thing as help. So run help, Two way comm, Two-way help, five-way bracket, until the stuck needle loosens up and then and only then carry on with control. Once again run this to a loose needle – put your pc on the meter before running "You make that body" etc., and test him for a loose needle when the process ends – Stuck needle? Off you go again on "You make that body sit in that chair".
Now is he in communication with you or does he say he is? Run "Think of something you have done to somebody" "Think of something you have withheld from somebody" O/W on the Auditor. Two way comm – anything to get off the overts which are preventing him from free communication with you. Again a loose needle and a willing tongue go together. Have that Affinity high – he'll trust you. If these points are seen to, there remains just one more essential. Now is he interested in his own case? Talk to him, get him to tell you of his puzzlements, his hopes – his wins and his losses – he'll be interested.
Right, he is in session, and once that is achieved he's on his way to clear.
At this point pay attention to (b) above. Flatten these processes, and the gradient scale of wins he will get – the growing confidence he'll find in managing his bank, why the mere straightening of his life time track will work a miracle.
Hark ye well – Nothing can stand up to present day procedure. Look at the results some auditors get. They put down their successes to following Ron's directions exactly. Why aren't we all doing that? It's simple. Just read – discuss – understand and use the tools he has given you. Use them.
Two days ago we had a case report of a man who for ten years had not been over one mile from his home – as such panic overtook him that he was reduced to near insanity. £ 200 spent on Electric Shock "treatment", a spell in a Mental Home, $500 spent on indifferent auditing, and still he shook with fear at the thought of the outside world. He tried everything, alcohol to numb his terror, drugs to "stabilize" him, will power to make him face it. No good. His wife was desperate, his family gave up. An Auditor with the latest data happened along and after approximately four hours of pre-session procedure – three hours of OT 3A Steps 1 and two – four hours O/W on his wife flattened with Responsibility and five hours spent running and flattening his past immediate death as a soldier in World War 1, and he had tea, spruced himself up and went for a twenty five mile drive with a wife whose eyes opened wider with astonishment as every mile came and went. Afraid of death? "It's just like buying a new motor car" he remarked "this getting a new body". But would it have been possible without pre-sessioning? Never.
So get that preclear into session, straighten out his time track. Reduce those overts and flatten but flatten with Responsibility one hot present life terminal and you'll alter his whole pattern of behaviour. Nothing is stopping you.
At the risk of repetition there is nothing absolutely nothing which can stop any pc making phenomenal gains, once he is in session except your auditing. Flatten his PTP, don't audit over an ARC break and continue to flatten every process you run and you must win.
From Rosamond Harper, Technical Secretary WW for L. Ron Hubbard
Dear friends,
I found a series of old HCOBs, not from Ron, but from Rosamond Harper, Technical Secretary WW.
It is actually a success story from back then and shows what can be achieved with auditing, and what you can achieve with it too. Any of us can do it.We train auditors! In this crazy world, it's the best thing you can do!
The "Straightwire – A working manual" is a great basis for this. You can get this book as PDF on our website. (Ability Major 4, July 1955.)
Here is an interview with Erica, Daniela and Max:
Much love
Max Hauri