Introduction: Humanity is experiencing a quantum leap in these years. Unlike the gradual improvements of the past millennia, we are being catapulted into a higher orbit. A real Golden Age has begun and cannot be stopped.
Read Max Hauri's letter just below.
Grades to Golden Age
"The Road to Truth" – A lecture given by L. Ron Hubbard the 1st November 1962.
In the link at the bottom, you will find the lecture “The Road to Truth” transcript and audio, as well as the references mentioned in the letter.
Dear Friend,
Since the last camp, I've been trying to write about the grades – what is the minimum number of processes needed, what is too little, and what is too much? However, I realize now that this approach is wrong.
One of my reliable data points is that Ron disappeared at the end of 1972, and the last lecture I have from him is dated August 6, 1972. I am certain it's his voice on the tape.
Therefore, it's clear that anything from around early 1973 onward is not from Ron.
There is so much more I could write about this, and much has already been said. It's overwhelming, and I don't want to burden you with all the details.
In a nutshell, at first, end 1972, "new" bulletins were released, but in reality, they were reissues of earlier bulletins and quotes from tapes. Summaries, clarifications, new rundowns, etc., were written. Around 1974, a new project was initiated to sort out what was L. Ron Hubbard and what was not. All non-L. Ron Hubbard issues although approved by Ron were downgraded to second class, canceled entirely, or rewritten "anew by L. Ron Hubbard." Important information disappeared, making way for "new technology." By 1978, this new tech release line was so well established that auditing was effectively canceled by bulletins.
You don't believe me? Back then, I suffered from it! Even today, we still have to fix pre-OTs because they had little to no auditing when they started the OT Levels. I bet my life that we lost tens of thousands of PCs and pre-OTs from 1978 and later simply because they didn't receive enough auditing, if any at all.
Additionally, auditing was literally forbidden or made impossible due to astronomically high prices. Starting in 1976, the prices for all services rose 5% every month. Around 1978, book prices increased by 10% each month! I can't recall exactly when it ended, probably 1987. Policies were introduced that prohibited auditing your family with what you learned on the course. I will never forget the tears of a mother I saw as Qualification Secretary back in 1981 when she was denied the ability to audit her family.
My view of the future is that we must give thetans a game to improve themselves.
Humanity is experiencing a quantum leap in these years. Unlike the gradual improvements of the past millennia, we are being catapulted into a higher orbit. The megalomaniacs, psychopaths, and other criminals are concealing this because they are cashing in on all the profits and embezzling them. But this will come to an end. A real Golden Age (NdT: Look for a general, non-scientological definition) has begun and cannot be stopped. The result will be that we will only need to work a few hours a week to survive. But work is part of life. Nothing destroys morale more than doing nothing. Passivity is fatal for a thetan. Passivity is a fundamental cause of mental illness and disease.
All those First Dynamics Improvement Activities are not a real substitute for work because they don't truly include Help. Work (unfortunately not always) inherently includes Help. Work is an exchange with society. But work is increasingly being minimized.
Auditing is a highly valuable activity as it improves ARC (Affinity, Reality, Communication) and KRC (Knowledge, Responsibility, Control). Auditing is Help.
Auditing is a high-quality game. It expands a thetan into Flow 1, 2, 3, and 0. Auditing expands a thetan into the dynamics, into the Org Board (Awareness Levels), and into the Tone Scale. Today, we can't even begin to imagine how glorious life will become as a result. And this is achieved with lots of auditing, and certainly also with training – inevitably.
Recall processes increase your knowingness and abilities to play the game called life. A Recall Process is usually run through many commands to its End Phenomena. A substantial book on Recall Processes is "Straightwire – A Manual" by L. Ron Hubbard.
I've made an interesting observation: A preclear with no game has almost no answers to auditing commands. A PC with a big game has many answers, and better cognitions are possible.
The goal of Scientology is not a static state, to relax, or to recover, but to play big games.
A big player needs a safe place where he can increase his abilities and gain knowledge. He needs processes and an auditor to help him reevaluate what he was and is doing in the game without being evaluated or invalidated. Auditing commands are structured to help a being look at the game from a new viewpoint, often culminating in a cognition and release (gaining a healthy distance from it).
In other words, limiting auditing and the number of processes, or even forbidding it or making it impossible, is not only foolish but suppressive. Our Class VIII and XII Auditors know from experience that an L-preclear wants all the processes or rundowns from the Ls, even after reaching and attesting to the End Phenomena of an L. (L: A set of powerful auditing actions done after the grades and often after other higher levels are done.) They want more auditing. They are literally asking for more auditing.
There is no policy, bulletin, or law preventing a preclear or an OT from being audited, even after completing the Bridge. There are ten volumes of Technical Bulletins, also called Red Volumes, and many lectures, which are a gold mine of never-done processes. Also, take a look at the book "Creation of Human Ability" – it is full of processes.
On the Class VIII Course, Ron explicitly says Recall Processes are unlimited. And they are indeed unlimited.
We must fulfill Ron's postulate that lots of co-auditing should take place. Don't forget, an auditor has big wins themselves.
The cycle is to audit and train a person, send them back into the world, and let them play the game. Then let them return for more auditing and training. And so on.
Instead of creating new rules or policies, let's go back to basics. Do what Ron says. Follow the unaltered and unrevised HCO PLs and HCOBs. Those here are our stable data:
HCO PL 17 June 1970 (unrevised) TECHNICAL DEGRADES
THE BRIDGE from 1974
Certainly, the process sheets used by Ron's Org today are fully valid. In June 1970, Ron clearly outlined what he considered correct. In fact, all the processes are documented on the Bridge.
There are several pillars to the success of Ron's Orgs. One of those pillars is auditing in big amounts and always coming back to auditing and more auditing.
To audit extensively, even on the risk to overrun is not dangerous. To not audit is disastrous.
Ron says the grades are the basis for auditing. Attesting to a grade does not mean there is nothing left to audit. Auditing continues after the grades. If the grades are not done or not truly done, it is the end of case gain.
A thetan can be very able. Everyone can be very able. Auditing and training are the keys. We have the tech, and we will have the time.
We have unbelievable tools. Let's apply them.
Much love.
Max Hauri
In the link below you will find the lecture “The Road to Truth”, transcript and audio, as well as the references mentioned above in the letter.