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Calling all Auditors - 2

Soothing waterfall, flowing easily over rocks

Introduction: Calling all auditors: Help is an important thing. Ron has talked and written a lot about it. Is a person willing and able to help? And is she willing to receive help? Find out how loaded this subject can be.

Read Max Hauri's introduction letter to this article below as well as a success story about the Class VIII Course (in green)

Calling all Auditors (2)

This is the second week of our worldwide survey of Auditing results and it becomes immediately apparent that our idea of presessioning is not Ron's. So lets take a look at what we should do.

Ask the preclear what he understands by 'Help'. Usually he says 'to aid or assist to – well help someone to do something he wants to do, to assist something or someone towards survival'. That sounds all right – after all survival is the basic goal of all living things. So we two-way comm and get the pc's ideas and understanding of help, and then bridge into the process of two-way help. It will be an unusual pc whose needle isn't sticky, but after a time it frees up a bit and the flow has started. Bridge out into the 5 way bracket and watch your pc get really into it. Run this for as long as you think necessary and then go on to "What problem could help be to you" or "What problem has help been to you?" The pc may cease being factual in the first and start inventing.

Many things will happen. The pc cognites on help as an interference; on help used as a control mechanism by parents, teachers and grown-ups in general; or as a stopping of his efforts to learn by himself. He knows 'help' is something to be avoided at all costs – he doesn't trust help. In short "help" is betrayal. All right – all right you've started, get him through this, don't leave him at the make-break point. Go on with 'help', run it until the needle doesn't flicker, no matter who the terminal the pc mentions: Auntie Josephine, his hated headmaster, little Ollie or the man next door, and then and only then is it safe to leave 'help' and go on to the next button.

The world is in need of help – people just don't do it much any more. They are not only often afraid of asking for help – they are afraid of receiving it. Yesterday I missed my bus by two minutes. The alternative to being late for work was to get a lift. Car after car completely ignored me, as I trudged along. So I stopped and asked for a ride, the same result. Ten cars sailed past – empty. The eleventh stopped. 'I'm glad you asked' he said 'People are too inhibited these days' – 'Do you think we have forgotten how to help?' 'When I see people standing waiting at bus stops I often want to stop, but I know they'd probably refuse, so I don't.'

What is the stoppage in the flow of life? We are not millions of completely separate beings airily independent of each other, far from it. Our very thought and action affects somebody, we all live together on this planet mutually interdependent right through the dynamics, and only by helping people to realize this for themselves can we walk the road to 'clear'.

So let's have no more reports saying 'Ran presession for 1-½ hours, all buttons flat'. 'Pre-session fulfilled in 15 minutes'. 'Two-way commed all buttons in ½ an hour'. No, do what Ron says – Run Help flat.

Rosamond Harper – Technical Secretary WW

for L. Ron Hubbard


Oleg's success story on the Class VIII Course

It is very hard to find words to describe the course itself.

There was a lot of information before about why it is and what benefits it provides!

This course is unlike any course I have taken before.

Yes, there is a checksheet, a course pack, additional materials, everything we are used to before. But the structure, the connectedness of the material and the way it was organized each day into a coherent system - surprised and pleased at the same time.

The first thing that struck us were the lectures that we studied before the actual course pack!

The meaning of the word "standard" gradually began to take deeper root among the many data we studied.

Later, the documents themselves became fertile ground, forming a coherent picture logic of the approach to solving cases. Then everything was built around the main important things, the main core of the technology! The information simply complemented each other, rooting the logic and foundation of all the previously studied theory.

Literally in a few days the thoughts about "special cases and approaches" and "exceptions to the rules" disappeared completely! Everything came really to one standard, to one common approach without speculations and variations.

The course pack and materials look like a pyramid, on which different sized rings are put on every day. At the top of which the axioms are placed! And you can look at the cases from different positions and levels, but it will always have a connection to the center of the pyramid.

Already on the course itself, I was changing work in case supervision, taking notes and forwarding them to the auditors.

There were whole areas that needed to be retrained or refreshed. Which led me to planning the classes in our Qualification Division for this year. The shift in case supervision was immediately noticeable, right from the learning phase of the course. We made revisions in such areas as case preparation, life repairs, repairs, rehabilitations, confessions, straight wire and all styles of auditing, and much, much more. It's kind of a small revolution, but I'm trying to do it gradually. The morale of the staff has gone way up! The overall tone of the group is up! And most importantly, in a very strange way, new people started coming to us, as if another door to the organization had opened to us.

It's hard to tell you how much data I've reviewed! Throughout the duration of the course, I diligently documented my notes, filling three pages with meticulously written small characters. Many thanks to the translators who managed to translate the huge amount of material from the 60s and the corrections made to the already translated material. Priceless work!

The admin and ethics of the group have changed. It's like the staff have been given extra confidence, motivation and meaning to what we've been doing for decades. The approach to many organizational issues has changed, and most importantly, a calmness in handling many situations has come.

I once had a dream that I would someday attend the Class VIII. Well, it has come true! I still hardly believe it! Huge thanks to Max Hauri for making it happen! More than a miracle, you can't call it a miracle it is above. To collect all the materials is a great job of many years!!!

I also wanted to thank Vadim Zudeev and all the admin staff who helped to gather the C/es and auditors from many organizations and organize our training in a great place!

Also, to all the participants, my colleagues, thank you so much!

You are great people! This training was and should have been in this environment! We came together and became bigger! Unforgettable, friendly, fun, energetic, helping each other in everything as a team! Erica and Max's supervision was top notch!

This camp, all the students – endless gratitude and honor!!!

And a big bow to L. Ron Hubbard for the diamond that is the Class VIII Course that he standardized everything previously created with!

Much love

Oleg Eremenko – Ron's Org "Ability" – Rostow – Russia – 2024


Dear Friends,

Help is an important thing. Ron has talked and written a lot about it. Is a person willing and able to help? Not wanting to is one thing, but helping can also have the opposite effect, which is then detrimental.

All these implications – and there are many – can make the subject very loaded, and need to be audited in any case. For the most important aspect of all, is the following: does the person, as a preclear, allow you to help her? An important criterion that often goes overlooked.

More information in the linked Bulletin at the top.

Read Oleg Eremenko's success story; C/S and CO of Ron's Org "Ability" in Rostov – Russia

Much love

Max Hauri


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